That's right, after a long hiatus of 2 years and a few months, this blog has been brought back from the dead for your viewing and reading pleasure. We hope to post a lot more frequently, so make sure to check back soon. So for today, some good news:
A Kingdom for Keflings has been officially announced!
Finally we're allowed to talk about when it's releasing (Nov. 19), how much it will cost (800 MS Points) and what it's rated (E), not to mention the fact that it's the FIRST Xbox 360 game to launch with in-game, playable Avatars! We're pretty happy about this, can you tell? :)
Anyway, that was just a shameless plug for our game because, well, we're excited. Check back again soon for some more posts that may or may not be shameless plugs for our other games as well! ;)