Random Link #1: NinjaBee has a public profile and a great relationship with Gathering of Gamers, a social networking site for gamers. A few NinjaBees appeared on their GOGCast (a community podcast) season finale a few weeks ago and talked about A Kingdom for Keflings, life at NinjaBee and a few other interesting things. The podcast is pretty long, so if you just want to hear the NinjaBee stuff, it starts about 12 1/2 min. into the show. There's also a special audio clip right at the end, about 1 hour and 20 mins. into the show...:)
Random Link #2: Here's a cool YouTube video of a guy who covers XBLA songs. This rocks!
Random Link #3: Jeremy Throckmorton, one of our designers, was interviewed by Genesis Device, a cool gaming website. Check out his interview here. Here's a fun snippet from the interview (that just happens to go with the above video!):
Genesis Device: Where did the music for Kingdom come from? It's completely addictive!
Jeremy Throckmorton: Eric Nunamaker is a long time friend of ours, and a very talented composer we contract for many of our projects. We decided on a style and feel for Keflings and presented it to him. He is really, really good at making music to match our odd requests and abstract concepts. The soundtrack to Keflings is a testament to that.
Random Link #4: Michelle, the cool girl who made the A Kingdom for Keflings web comic has made a Doritos Dash of Destruction one as well.

1 comment:
Awesome cover. I love the music in a Kingdom for Keflings
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