It's finally happened - you can now play A Kingdom for Keflings on your iPad2, Android tablet or smart phone! The game released on OnLive last Thursday, adding in new, native touch controls. The mobile version was released simultaneously with the new, free OnLive app that will allow you to play OnLive games on Android and iOS devices.
The game is available on OnLive, which means that with one purchase ($9.99 USD) you can now play Keflings on demand, anywhere, on PC, Mac, the OnLive Game System or on your mobile device.
Plus, if you've previously purchased the PC version of A Kingdom for Keflings from NinjaBee.com we'll give you a free copy of the OnLive version of the game, just for being awesome. All you need to do is send an email to Swag@NinjaBee.com with the subject line "Keflings OnLive" and make sure you include your name and email address you used when purchasing the game. Once we get your email we'll send you a code to unlock the game!
To get the OnLive app on Android, click here: https://market.android.com/details?id=com.onlive.client
PS- OnLive is giving away free copies of Lego Batman to anyone who downloads their mobile app!
A Kingdom for Keflings is a phenomenal game that will keep you included for a considerable length of time.The main thing you recognize is the magnificent music that starts before else other possibilities.The gameplay, while oversimplified, does keep you proceeding onward to the following thing.You never need to appear to stop as you simply need to get one all the more building.I downloaded this the first day it was accessible and have played it for a lot of people,numerous hours.In case you're searching for a decent unwinding game to play that you can hop in for five minutes or five hours,give A Kingdom for Keflings a go!
~Sandra Allen.
Would love to play on my ipad2 but you have to download On Live and it doesn't work. Bummed
I have tyres to download this but it doesn't work and I was so exited to play it
Yeah, sorry about that - OnLive was a cool service while it lasted, but it eventually got shut down. We're looking into releasing a Keflings game on mobile, but we don't know how soon that will be!
When I started I didn't know how to position buldings, and I built a house for the Mayor --now I know how to play well but I can't destroy the mayor;s place and reposition it cause he starts crying and everything... :(
Betty Allen.
nIce post
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