Friday, March 23, 2012

Ninja Lightning Pack!

Usually a ninja strikes in silence from the shadows, but sometimes it uses lightning.
That's right, lightning. is hosting a sale of 5 NinjaBee games on PC: Ancients of Ooga, Cloning Clyde, A Kingdom for Keflings, Outpost Kaloki, and Band of Bugs!

The quicker you jump in and purchase, the cheaper you can get the bundle. Or, if you're feeling generous, pay extra, which knocks down the current price for others. This deal is only going to last for the next 100 hours, so you gotta be quick to catch the lightning!

1 comment:

Frank said...

Cool! I was waiting for (years for) Band of Bugs and Outpost Kaloki to finally get onto Steam, but now I don't have to. 100 hours seems a little short for the sale; folks might miss it over the weekend. Good luck with that