Unlock "A World of Deathlings" Today on XBLA
Keflings to Bust a Cap
All players have to do to activate the new feature is log into A World of Keflings and perform an in-game emote.
"Really, who wants to play an RTS where there's no combat?" said Brent Fox, Art Director at NinjaBee. "That would just be stupid. Not a lot of people know this, but making Keflings the easy-going game it is now was just a big mistake. We meant the original game to be like Age of Empires, Warcraft or Starcraft, but somebody messed up and forgot to build in the combat. I blame our QA department."
Core gamers eat your heart out.
nice april's fool guys
@Mario - But really, you need to load up the game and perform an emote today. It's worth your while :)
why did i actually try this! o_o xD nice one.
I did, haha was very nice, you really need to give us this as a perma special emote guys! xD
this needs to go away, it is ruining the game, that damn emote has infected all the other emotes and there is no way to turn it off, please make it stop, or i will have wasted the points on a game i will never play again.
It will be fixed!
Funny post! Thanks!
Haha, epic! :D
Volatile Air Farming
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