But I'm getting ahead of myself! In between the Cooking Contest and the Weight Loss contest we had Mustache March. Anybody who wanted to participate grew out a mustache the entire month and sculpted the nastiest mustache they could for the judging day, the last day of March. Most people even dressed up to resemble the character their mustache embodied and then had to get up in front of everyone and explain why they should win. Here are some of our awesome mustachioed employees:
Steve (owner), Mike (designer) and Joey (programmer)
Brent (art director)...or is that Hulk Hogan?
Jacob (artist)-- Check out the necklace.
And the lovely judges who couldn't participate in the contest (and were glad they couldn't!)
Doritos happened to be visiting us a few days before the contest ended, so the second documentary they did here has some great footage of everyone with their mustaches and judging a fake contest.
So after Mustache March and after the Cooking Contest we held a Weight Loss Contest. In 15 weeks our company lost a total of 205 pounds, with our top winner, Joey Kendall, losing a whopping 37 pounds! Go Joey!

...an 80s aerobics instructor...
...and a Plumber...

...but in the end, our winner was a member of The Lollipop Guild!

So we haven't done anything since October and I think we all agree it's time for another contest. Got any good ideas for us?
Awesome Contests so far and those will be hard to beat.
How about:
Tools Needed - Cheap plastic people & those popsicle sticks and how ever many you want.
Make anything you want using your imagination that looks like an event from your past.
After you finished building the scene tell everyone about the event happening and why you should win.
Also in regards to the cook off. I want to say how about taking Community Member Receipes and putting them in a hat and randomly pick an entree. Have you all cook your selected recipies and then have a few judges.
Also since it appears people like dressing up. How about every one dress up as there favorite character and then make them stand up in front of everyone and explain why.
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