Friday, July 24, 2009
And the winner is...
And a very special congratulations to the contest winner, J. Hency. You guys rock!
Here's the contest - Good Luck!!!

Here are the questions. The contest closes in 15 minutes, so hurry and send us the answers to these questions to Make sure to put "Contest" as the subject line. Good Luck!
1. Name one kind of bug you fight against in the trial version of Band of Bugs.
2. How do you 'capture' something?
3. What kind of bug is Jabilo, the fire mage who joins your team in the final level of the demo (also found in the full game under 'Stand Alone Missions' as 'Demo Level')?

Thanks everyone for playing Band of Bugs and for joining our contest! We'll contact and then announce the winner before 8 p.m. EST.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
NinjaBee Contest -- 1600 MS Points!!!!!

What's up
So earlier this month NinjaBee updated Band of Bugs on Xbox Live Arcade allowing you to play and fight as your avatar in the single player campaign or with your friends in the multiplayer 'Spider Hunter' mode. It also added a new level to the Stand-Alone Missions.
How to win
So here's how the constest works. This Friday (July 24) at 7 p.m. EST we're going to post a couple of questions here on our blog about stuff from the playable levels on the free trial version of Band of Bugs (it won't be hard, just play and have fun). So put it in your download queue and see what it's like to have your avatar kick some serious insectoid booty.
*If you already own Band of Bugs it's levels 1-3 on Maal's Story and 'Demo Level' from the Stand-Alone Missions.
Once the questions have be posted you will only have 15 minutes** to email the answers to The winner will be selected by our own super-secret, high-tech selection process (drawn from a hat) and will get the 1600 MS Points!
Good luck and have fun playing Band of Bugs! See you then!

**We switched to this method of selecting the winner to make the contest more fair to everyone with stinky slow internet.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
iPhone Developer NinjaBee Announces it has Finished Making Love

"Right after finishing up Kaloki Adventure, we started work on Kaloki Love,” said Steve Taylor, president of NinjaBee. “Making Love was fun, but a lot of work - a lot of give and take, you know? Making sure everyone was satisfied took a lot of stamina, but in the end the whole team was happy."
Kaloki Love is a new way to build a space station. Players will fill the boots of a dashing new "hero" as they meet four potential sweethearts and woo the dream girl of their choice in this romantic five-part story. Multiple endings based on how the game is played means the player can always experience new romances or fix failed ones. The game also includes five bonus scenarios with goals and new strategies.
Features of the iPhone/iPod touch game include:
- Five Levels of space station management and falling in love
- Five bonus scenarios which feature fireworks, asteroids, Greek gods and more!
- A distinctive art style and a catchy soundtrack
- Auto Save: progress is automatically saved in the event of a disturbance
- Easy-to-learn, friendly and fun for the whole family.
The original game, Kaloki Adventure, is available on the App Store for US $2.99 ( and a taste of the game, Kaloki Free, can be downloaded for free ( One additional story in the Kaloki universe, Kaloki War, will be released at a later date. For more information about Kaloki Love for iPhone and iPod touch, please visit
About NinjaBee
NinjaBee, located in
For more information, please contact the numbers above or visit
Wahoo Studios and NinjaBee are registered trademarks of Wahoo Studios, Inc. All other company names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective owners. Copyright © 2009 Wahoo Studios, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
Apple, the Apple logo, iPod, and iTunes are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the
Wednesday, July 08, 2009
Come Play with Us!
* gostay (Steve, President)
* YaZeus (Kevin, Lead Programmer)
* Big Blue Fox (Brent, Art Director)
* dajuse (Justin, Project Manager)
* T G Welfman (Eric, Programmer)
* Marmosetofdeath (Jeremy, Lead Designer)
* johnseph83 (John, Programmer)
* DarkMount (Jeff, Artist)
* scarabman (Ben, Designer)
* Abbasax (Jason, Test Lead)
* ThePr0tege (Mike, Tester)
* NinjaGirl01 (Valerie, PR/Marketing)

Tuesday, July 07, 2009
iPhone Developer Spotlight

When did you start developing apps for the iPhone? Did you have previous experience as a developer?
We started working on the iPhone in October 2008. Wahoo Studios has been around since 2001 and in 2004 we created the NinjaBee brand to showcase our independent, self-published games. We released Outpost Kaloki X in November 2005 with the launch of the Xbox 360 on Xbox LIVE Arcade. So we’ve got lots of experience making video games, but this is our first for the iPhone.
What / how many apps have you made so far?
We have 2 apps out right now - Kaloki Adventure and Kaloki Free. We’ve also got two more apps on the way; Kaloki Love and Kaloki War.
What type of apps/games/software inspires you? Where do you get your ideas?
I’m inspired by games that make you think - which usually means simulation/strategy games - but I’m a sucker for a compelling story with just about any genre of games. There have been so many games that have inspired me since I was a kid, but the game that really inspired me to want to *make* video games was the original King’s Quest game.
Thursday, July 02, 2009
Band of Bugs Music
Hopper's Groove
Insectus Maximus
Many-Legged Mayhem
Jungle Pygmy Bugs