Sharing Collectibles Gets You More Stuff to Build in A World of Keflings!
Hey, everyone! It's me, the Princess. Andrew asked me to explain one of the new features in the new game all about me, A World of Kefling Princesses. Wait, no, I forgot they changed the name at the last minute. Marketing people suck.
Anyway! As you probably know, I'm super passionate about saving the planet, especially the *cute* parts of the planet. And nothing makes the planet cuter than a variety of collectible custom building pieces. And it turns out that "collectible" means I can get more of them. Hooray! Getting stuff is my favorite hobby!
Daddy says it's better to giftinate than to receptify, and he's right just this one time because it's the best way to prompt your friends to send me stuff! I mean send you stuff.
So, how to share collectibles: From the main menu or from the pause menu, hit the "Sharing" button. This shows all the collectibles you've gotten so far, and all the ones you still need in order to feel a sense of self-worth. Hit the "Share Collectibles" button. Now you can select a gamertag or enter a new one. On the next screen you can edit the text that gets sent along with your collectibles. (Maybe you don't want to use the L word with somebody you just met!)

Of course, doing this one at a time for each of your friends could take forever, if you have as many friends as I do. I heard Microsoft is installing a new server to keep track of all the messages about how lovely my hat is. Fortunately, you can add a bunch of recipients to a single message by hitting the "Edit Recipients" button before sending your message. You might also want to add voice to your message, like an enthusiastic A'capella performance of Teenage Dream by Katy Perry. Everybody loves that song.
One more thing: If you want to send collectibles to somebody not on your friends list, but the "Enter Gamertag" button is all grayed out, it's probably because of your crappy Privacy settings. From the Xbox dashboard go to My Xbox, select your profile slot and hit A, then scroll over to the "Online Safety" page and hit "Change Settings". Make sure "Voice and Text" show up in the "Allowed" section. If your dad set up your safety settings and you can't change them, then go tell him to let you live your dreams and stop stifling you! Sheesh!
And that's it! Together we can save the baby sea-whale-condor, restore the lush rainforests of lower Idaho, and make the world a better place for me to visit!
Check back each day between now and Dec. 22 for new info about my game!
The Princess
Sweet princess, could you tell us whether this feature is only for online friends or also for offline friends? And if it requries XBox Live Gold? :)
By offline friends I mean: does it also work for local co-op?
Nope, you don't have to have a gold account to share or receive collectibles. You do, however, need to at least have a silver account, because the collectibles are shared via Live, just like messages.
The more I hear about World of Keflings, the more I can't wait until next week to play it! My daughter and I are both super excited and have been playing Kingdom for Keflings all week.
To be extra clear on the local co-op question, if you're playing the game offline (local co-op), you can still share collectibles between you, but only if you both have Live (Silver or Gold) accounts.
If your kids don't have Live accounts, for example, they won't personally be able to get new collectibles, but somebody with a Live account on the same Xbox could collect a bunch and join their local game and build stuff.
Also, you can share with other players even if they're not currently online or signed in. The message gets left in their inbox, and they can get their collectibles the next time they play the game, even if it's days later.
Thank you, I am glad that I will still be able to collect the collectibles eventhough I don't have a gold account :)
And being able to send collectibles to my partner on the same console (with her own profile) since both are Silver accounts :)
I am so very excited about a World of Keflings. Kindom was one of the first xbox games I ever played. It may be the game that hooked me into xbox completely. I've been waiting ever since for something else Kefling-ish and I'm so excited it's here!
i only played kindom for an hour and i knew it was the game for me and then 6 months later im looking in the "A" catagory and on the top of the "Newest" and "most played" it was there so i bought and it was epic and play 3 hours a day now.
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